Source code for smartgadget.smart_gadget

Base class for a Smart Gadget.
import struct
from typing import Union, Tuple

    from bluepy.btle import Peripheral, DefaultDelegate, UUID
except ImportError:  # then not on the Raspberry Pi
    Peripheral, DefaultDelegate, UUID = object, object, lambda u: u

from . import dewpoint, logger

[docs]class SmartGadget(Peripheral): # The following UUID's were taken from # # bluepy has these available as AssignedNumbers attributes, but bluepy cannot be pip-installed on Windows DEVICE_NAME_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID = UUID(0x2a00) APPEARANCE_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID = UUID(0x2a01) PERIPHERAL_PREFERRED_CONNECTION_PARAMETERS_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID = UUID(0x2a04) BATTERY_LEVEL_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID = UUID(0x2a19) SYSTEM_ID_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID = UUID(0x2a23) MODEL_NUMBER_STRING_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID = UUID(0x2a24) SERIAL_NUMBER_STRING_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID = UUID(0x2a25) HARDWARE_REVISION_STRING_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID = UUID(0x2a27) FIRMWARE_REVISION_STRING_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID = UUID(0x2a26) SOFTWARE_REVISION_STRING_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID = UUID(0x2a28) MANUFACTURER_NAME_STRING_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID = UUID(0x2a29) def __init__(self, device, interface=None): """Base class for a Smart Gadget. Parameters ---------- device A MAC address as a :class:`str` or a :ref:`ScanEntry <scanentry>` object. interface : :class:`int`, optional The Bluetooth interface to use for the connection. For example, 0 or :data:`None` means ``/dev/hci0``, 1 means ``/dev/hci1``. """ super(SmartGadget, self).__init__(deviceAddr=device, addrType='random', iface=interface) self._rssi = None if isinstance(device, str) else device.rssi self.withDelegate(NotificationHandler(self)) self._characteristics = {} def __del__(self): # suppress all errors from Peripheral, for example, a BrokenPipeError try: super(SmartGadget, self).__del__() except: pass
[docs] def temperature(self) -> float: """Returns the temperature [degree C]. .. attention:: The subclass must override this method. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def humidity(self) -> float: """Returns the temperature [degree C]. .. attention:: The subclass must override this method. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def temperature_humidity(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Returns the temperature [degree C]. .. attention:: The subclass must override this method. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def battery(self) -> int: """Returns the temperature [degree C]. .. attention:: The subclass must override this method. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def info(self) -> dict: """Returns the temperature [degree C]. .. attention:: The subclass must override this method. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def dewpoint(self, temperature=None, humidity=None) -> float: """Returns the dew point for the specified MAC address. Parameters ---------- temperature : :class:`float`, optional The temperature [degree C]. If :data:`None` then reads the current temperature value from the Smart Gadget. humidity : :class:`float`, optional The humidity [%RH]. If :data:`None` then reads the current humidity value from the Smart Gadget. Returns ------- :class:`float` The dew point [degree C]. """ if temperature is None and humidity is None: temperature, humidity = self.temperature_humidity() elif temperature is None: temperature = self.temperature() elif humidity is None: humidity = self.humidity() return dewpoint(temperature, humidity)
[docs] def temperature_humidity_dewpoint(self) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: """Returns the current temperature, humidity and dew point. Returns ------- :class:`float` The temperature [degree C]. :class:`float` The humidity [%RH]. :class:`float` The dew point [degree C]. """ t, h = self.temperature_humidity() return t, h, self.dewpoint(temperature=t, humidity=h)
[docs] def rssi(self) -> Union[int, None]: """Returns the Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) for the last received broadcast from the device. This is an integer value measured in dB, where 0 dB is the maximum (theoretical) signal strength, and more negative numbers indicate a weaker signal. Returns ------- :class:`int` or :data:`None` The RSSI value if the :class:`.SmartGadget` was initialized with a :ref:`ScanEntry <scanentry>` object. Otherwise returns :data:`None`. """ return self._rssi
def _read(self, hnd_or_uuid, fmt=None): """Read data. hnd_or_uuid: A handle (int) or uuid (str) fmt (str): The format to pass to struct.unpack(), if None then assumes an ASCII string. """ if isinstance(hnd_or_uuid, int): # handle data = self.readCharacteristic(hnd_or_uuid) else: # uuid try: c = self._characteristics[hnd_or_uuid] except KeyError: c = self.getCharacteristics(uuid=hnd_or_uuid)[0] self._characteristics[hnd_or_uuid] = c data = if fmt is None: return data.decode() values = struct.unpack(fmt, data) if len(values) == 1: logger.debug('READ address=%r characteristic=0x%x -> %s', self.addr, hnd_or_uuid, values[0]) return values[0] logger.debug('READ address=%r characteristic=0x%x -> %s', self.addr, hnd_or_uuid, values) return values def _write(self, hnd_or_uuid, fmt, value, with_response=True): """Write a value. hnd_or_uuid: A handle (int) or uuid (str) fmt (str): The format to pass to struct.pack() value: The value to write """ logger.debug('WRITE address=%r characteristic=0x%x value=%s', self.addr, hnd_or_uuid, value) data = struct.pack(fmt, value) if isinstance(hnd_or_uuid, int): # handle self.writeCharacteristic(hnd_or_uuid, data, withResponse=with_response) else: # uuid try: c = self._characteristics[hnd_or_uuid] except KeyError: c = self.getCharacteristics(uuid=hnd_or_uuid)[0] self._characteristics[hnd_or_uuid] = c c.write(data, withResponse=with_response)
class NotificationHandler(DefaultDelegate): def __init__(self, parent): """Handles notifications from the Smart Gadget. Not to be instantiated directly. """ super(NotificationHandler, self).__init__() self.parent = parent self.temperatures = [] self.humidities = [] self.temperatures_finished = False self.humidities_finished = False self.interval = -1 self.oldest = -1 self.newest = -1 self.temperature_repeats = 0 self.humidity_repeats = 0 self.run_number_offset = 1 self.max_repeats = 5 def prepare(self, interval, oldest, newest, enable_temperature, enable_humidity): """Automatically called before getting the notifications to initialize all parameters.""" self.temperatures_finished = not enable_temperature self.humidities_finished = not enable_humidity self.interval = interval self.oldest = oldest self.newest = newest self.temperature_repeats = 0 self.humidity_repeats = 0 # the value of the oldest timestamp will never actually downloaded # that is why we use range(1, n) n = (newest - oldest) // interval + 1 if enable_temperature: self.temperatures = [[oldest + i * interval, None] for i in range(1, n)] else: self.temperatures = [] if enable_humidity: self.humidities = [[oldest + i * interval, None] for i in range(1, n)] else: self.humidities = [] def handleNotification(self, handle, data): """Received a notification. Parameters ---------- handle : :class:`int` The handle that sent the notification. data : :class:`bytes` The data. """ n = (len(data) - 4)//4 if n > 0: # notification for logged data values = struct.unpack('<I{}f'.format(n), data) if handle == self.parent.TEMPERATURE_HANDLE: array = self.temperatures self.temperature_repeats = 0 elif handle == self.parent.HUMIDITY_HANDLE: array = self.humidities self.humidity_repeats = 0 else: raise ValueError('Unhandled notification from handle={}'.format(handle)) # data is downloaded from the newest to the oldest log event # the manual says that the run number starts at 0 but it actually starts at 1 (for firmware v1.3) run_number = values[0] - self.run_number_offset index = len(array) - values[0] for v in values[1:]: row = array[index] timestamp = self.newest - run_number * self.interval assert row[0] == timestamp, 'timestamp mismatch -> {} != {}'.format(row[0], timestamp) row[1] = v index -= 1 run_number += 1 else: # a notification for a single temperature or humidity value # it is possible that a single value is received intermittently within the logger notification # therefore we must introduce checks to decide if downloading the logged data has finished if handle == self.parent.TEMPERATURE_HANDLE: if self.temperatures: self.temperatures_finished = self.temperatures[0][1] is not None if not self.temperatures_finished: # then maybe the last data packet never arrived # make sure we don't end up in an infinite loop waiting for packets that will never arrive self.temperature_repeats += 1 self.temperatures_finished = self.temperature_repeats >= self.max_repeats elif handle == self.parent.HUMIDITY_HANDLE: if self.humidities: self.humidities_finished = self.humidities[0][1] is not None if not self.humidities_finished: # then maybe the last data packet never arrived # make sure we don't end up in an infinite loop waiting for packets that will never arrive self.humidity_repeats += 1 self.humidities_finished = self.humidity_repeats >= self.max_repeats else: raise ValueError('Unhandled notification from handle={}'.format(handle))